10 Recommended Women's Web Resources
Good News .. Help is out there if you look, here are some amazing websites solely dedicated to women and women's issues.
Women's Resource Centre - The Women’s Resource Centre (WRC) is a charity which supports women’s organisations to be more effective and sustainable.
visit: http://www.wrc.org.uk
The Women's Organisation - The Women's Organisation provides a range of services and information for women
Visit: http://www.train2000.org.uk/ or www.thewomensorganisation.org.uk/
National Alliance of Women’s Organisation - NAWO acts as a bridge between women’s organisations and decision makers both nationally and internationally.
(Text taken from NAWO website)
The Official Guide to - International Women's Month Magazine
(Text taken from website home page)
Visit: http://www.international-womens-month.com/
Womens E News
American based newspaper style website, covering both American and international news about women. This a very effective information site for understanding women's issues around the world. Their motto is "Covering Women's Issues - Changing Women's Lives". Well worth a visit and free to subscribe if you want to keep updated on what's happening around the world.
visit: http://womensenews.org/
Women's Aid - working to end domestic and sexual violence against women and children in the UK
Visit http://www.womensaid.org.uk/
Fawcett today - Campaign on women’s representation in politics and public life; on equal pay, on pensions and poverty; valuing caring work; and the treatment of women in the justice system
(Text taken from websites "about us" page)
Visit : http://www.fawcettsociety.org.uk/index.asp?PageID=1