UK Women in Academia
Our first British women in Academia to celebrate. They will be added to but it's a start. The old, the new and the renowned.

Mary Curnock Cook OBE
Mary Curnock Cook OBE Mary gained an MSc in general management from the London Business School and later became Marketing Director of Food from Britain, and International Sales & Marketing Director of International Biochemicals. She was awarded an OBE in 2000. She moved on to become Director of Qualifications and Skills at the Qualifications & Curriculum Development Agency (QCDA, formerly QCA) where she led on qualifications policy and development for the 14-19 reform programme covering, amongst other things, GCSEs and A levels. In addition she had responsibility for the UK Vocational Qualifications Reform Programme.
Mary joined Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) and is the current CEO. UCAS is the British admission service for students applying to university, including post-16 education as of 2012.
In addition she is a trustee of the Access Project which supports young people from deprived backgrounds to progress to higher education. She is a trustee of the National Star Foundation. Mary is also governor at Swindon Academy school.