Support, Advice and Resources

Advice Links

Support Links
Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners Advice and Support

The Women's Business Centre an award-winning publicly funded business support organisation. Providing help with employment, developing a business or education and training.
National Alliance of Women's Organisations (NAWO) umbrella's organisations and individuals concerned with equality.
Networking in Business
Association of Women Solicitors Helps promote the potential and success women solicitors.
Medical Women's Federation Supporting the UK's largest body of women doctors.
Funny Women is the leading community for women in comedy
City Women Network A networking platform for senior professional women in the City and in the UK

Lady Geek bridging the gap between the teck industry and women who buy them
Women's Resource Centre (WRC) is a charity which supports women’s organisations to be more effective and sustainable.

British Association of Women Entrepreneurs (BAWE) An association, for Women Entrepreneurs.
She's Ingenious! gives specialist information about how to research, develop, prototype, protect and sell new products and concepts.
Everywoman support group aiding women starting out or looking to progress their careers or businesses
Prowess 2.0 is for women who are starting or growing a business or social enterprise and those who support them.
Women Like Us is for women who want to get back to work and need to fit it around family commitments
Women in Business Support group helping women starting out or looking to progress their careers or businesses