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Super foods are either high in either antioxidants (which prohibit oxidation in cells, oxidation can produce free radicals which can either damage or kill cells in the body) or vitamins (which are essential for the normal running of the body) or both. Here is a quick list of great ones and a quick synopsis on why they are so great.




YES Chocolate is good for you … Cocoa is the main ingredient in chocolate and it contains the antioxidant flavenoid which can help fight heart disease and cancer.  

It is generally agreed that dark chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa is best and it should be taken in moderation as you only need about half an ounce a day.



The powerful antioxidants in green tea polyphenols are said to be 100 times more effective then vitamin C in the protection of cells from free radical damage and is said to help inhibit breast, digestive and lung cancers.

All tea may also help prevent osteoporosis, as findings show that people who drink 2 or more cups of green or black tea a day generally have higher bone density.



Including wholegrain bread, brown rice, oats and millet. They are complex carbohydrates and fibres that provide a slow release of sugars in the blood. They are said to reduce the risk of heart disease, prevent constipation, encourage the growth of “friendly” bacteria in the gut, aid removal of toxins and help prevent colon, breast and prostate cancer.



A good source of protein and fibre, and minerals including calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium and zinc, are high in vitamin E, and contain folic acid and vitamin B2. They also contain monounsaturated fats, which can help to prevent heart disease.

Brazil Nuts

Brazil nuts are a good source of selenium that may help protect against cancer, depression and Alzheimer's disease.



Full of a form of vitamin E that has been known to fight breast, prostate and lung cancer and has been suggested that it could also help type 2 diabetes.  Walnuts also contain the antioxidant melatonin which is said to promote restful sleep.






Contain the phytonutrient quercitin, known to help prevent damage to arteries and in turn reduces the risk of heart disease. They also contain pectin, which is effective in lowering levels of blood cholesterol. Pectin also binds to harmful heavy metals in our body, such as lead, and helps removes them from the gut.


Contain Hesperetin, the main flavonoid in oranges has been shown to help protect against cancer, heart disease, infections and inflammation. Oranges are along with apples a rich source of pectin, which lowers cholesterol. They also contain potassium, which reduces blood pressure, folic acid and of course vitamin C.


A true super food avocados contain more healthy monounsaturated fat, fibre, vitamin E, folic acid and potassium than any other fruits. They are the number one fruit source of beta-sitosterol, a substance that can reduce total cholesterol.

They also surpass other fruits in the antioxidant lutein, which, has shown to protect people from cataracts and helps your cardiovascular system and also has been shown to help prevent prostate cancer.





Are said to help type 2 diabetes by reducing blood glucose they also have a powerful anti-clotting effect.  They are delicious, low in calories and are a natural Anti-Inflammatory.

Contain the antioxidants anthocyanidins, some of the strongest antidotes to oxidative stress which can also be a cause of aging. Berries also contain a phytochemical called ellegic acid, which is considered to prevent abnormal cellular changes.


Contain Lycopene a carotenoid which is considered to reduce the risk of cancer.  Cooked tomatoes are better for releasing it though. Tomatoes also contain potassium, vitamin C, and beta-carotene, which is essential for the immune system and a healthy skin.





Contain the antioxidants anthocyanidins, some of the strongest antidotes to oxidative stress which can also be a cause of aging. Berries also contain a phytochemical called ellegic acid, which is considered to prevent abnormal cellular changes.



Contain the antioxidants anthocyanidins, some of the strongest antidotes to oxidative stress which can also be a cause of aging. Berries also contain a phytochemical called ellegic acid, which is considered to prevent abnormal cellular changes.



Contain the antioxidants anthocyanidins, some of the strongest antidotes to oxidative stress which can also be a cause of aging. Berries also contain a phytochemical called ellegic acid, which is considered to prevent abnormal cellular changes.





Considered cancer reducing pumpkins not only contain beta carotene but are the highest source of alpha carotene, a cancer inhibitor potentially more powerful than beta-carotene. They also provide vitamins B5, C, E, potassium, calcium and fibre.


Potato peal helps to reduce blood sugar levels and therefore type 2 diabetes.  They also contain lectins which are said to inhibit tumour growth.


Is a strong anti-oxidant.  Not only is it natures cancer fighter but is incredibly good for the blood and heart.  It was used during the first world war as a disinfecting agent and studies show that it can help prevent development of cancers of the breast, colon, skin, prostate, stomach and oesophagus. It helps stimulate the immune system by encouraging the growth of natural killer cells, which directly attack cancer cells. It is also linked with the ability to kill many of the antibiotic resistant strains of MRSA.


Contains several antioxidant plant chemicals including gingerol and zingerone which have been shown to fight cancer and heart disease. One study found that gingerol was as strong as aspirin in preventing blood clots, which can help prevent heart disease. Ginger has been shown to have antimicrobial effects on wounds and is thought to fight inflammation, cleanse the colon, and stimulate circulation.


Olive Oil

Unlike other oils, olive oil is packed with hearty healthy monounsaturated fat as well as antioxidant polyphenols. These are very good for the prevention of heart disease and heart attacks.




Contains the chemicals lutein and zeaxanthin which is said to reduce the development of cataracts and macular degeneration.  Eggs are also now shown to help reduce obesity as eating eggs for breakfast leads to people feeling fuller for longer. The protein is said to be of the highest quality, second only to human breast milk. Good source of Omega 3 if you buy the right eggs.



As with other oily fish including (tuna, mackerel and herring) an excellent source of Omega 3 it is considered a brain food due to the link with accelerated learning and mental focus, it is also good for the heart. Omega 3 fatty acids are said not only to help protect against cancer but relieve autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and asthma.


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