How can women get that promotion
With the average women’s temperament in work being self-effacing it can be difficult to get that promotion. We tend to do the job we are given really well and just expect others to notice, without any fuss, if in fact someone does notice we say “oh it was nothing” or get embarrassed and walk away. Unfortunately, from a young age women have been told that it is not feminine to self promote, it’s not “demure”. Men on the other hand are wanton self promoters and network very effectively. So how can we as women self promote without looking aggressive and full of ourselves?.
Get organised
Identify what you want to achieve, is there a position coming up, a gap in the hierarchy or are you in a closed job where promotion is very unlikely if this is the case maybe a move to a new company should be thought about, after all, would you be happy if you were still in the same place with the same boss in 10 years time. All too often women want to move up but don’t know how.
Know your worth
Sit down and write a list of good and bad points about yourself, your capabilities and list your achievements, be honest and don’t forget to include multi-tasking a thing most women do without thinking. This list should include achievement at home. Read this list at least 3 times a week, to keep it in your mind.
Have more confidence in your abilities
Take on any high profile duties that come your way.
Use that annual review to remind your bosses why they employed you
Before the meeting be prepared, take a list of accomplishment and successes you have achieved since your last review in the meeting with you and have some near term goals and courses you would like to attend set out. If you have it all written down, you will not only look professional and organised but you won’t forget anything.
Know your target audience
Who are the decision makers for your promotion in your company, if it’s a large company what other departments may be compatible with your skill set and is there a better route up the ladder in that department? And how can you showcase your accomplishments, skills and experience.
Make sure that the decision makers know your value
By being more vocal when you have an idea for improvement at work. Email the decision makers about it and try to arrange a meeting to discuss. Too many women let their boss take the glory for their ideas and achievements.
Get some management experience
If you have no experience of management and that is the route you want to take, a good way of getting a management skill on your CV is to take a management course, some companies will pay for it, if you discuss it in your annual review, but do your research and have a course in mind.
Set up and run a work social events or club
Organise a rounder's club or maybe an interdepartmental quiz night for charity? ideally, if you know other women in the industry you could get them involved and arrange a competition with their company. This will increase your profile in your company, aid your management skills, help you network with management and become visible to other compatible organisations (you never know where your next opportunity will come from). It will also increase your friends profile as well. Definitely a win/win for all those involved. Don’t forget to publish the results in a company wide email.
Always try to attend those after work drinks
You never know who is going to be there and it really helps with networking (men already do this).
Finally, in summary; by putting yourself out there, showcasing your value and engaging the widest audience you can, you will raise the odds of not only of being promoted but getting unexpected offers and lucky breaks.