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The British Library Opens first Web resource and Audio archive on the Women's Liberation Movement

Launched on March 8th 2013 (International Women's Day)

According to The Telegraph Dr Polly Russell, the lead curator of Social Science at the British Library, who helped pull the archive together, told them: “This movement has impacted on every aspect of life in Britain. Much of what we take as being normal today in terms of gender relations would possibly not have happened if it weren’t for these women who in the 1960s & 1970s harnessed their anger, their ideas and their imagination to try and change the world.

“As with the Suffragettes, feminist ideas and actions during the 60s, 70s & 80s challenged and changed the role and representation of women forever. The archive captures this history.”

read more at :

Visit the British Library at: Sisterhood and After: An Oral History of the Women's Liberation Movement - The British Library (

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